Long Distance Plans
Need a better rate on on your long distance? Compare from over 70 long distance - local
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Cellular Plans - Prepaid
Cellular Plans
Prepaid cellular or cell phones with a contract? Choose from over 20 carriers including:
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International Phone Cards
STAR69 has been a leader in phone card selection. Shop from over 170
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search engine allows you to find the lowest phone card rates to any country GUARANTEED! |
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Calling the USA? A special phone card is needed when traveling or calling from another
country & STAR 69 is proud to have the largest selection of world phone cards to
choose from. We now carry Military Phone cards
from Iraq or Afghanistan to the USA |
Domestic Phone Cards
Calling around town or across the nation, STAR69 has you covered with a wide assortment of
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Internet Service - Dial up - DSL -
Cable - Wi Fi
Shopping for Internet Service? We carry standard 56k - DSL Internet - Cable Internet Wi-Fi
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Over 50 Internet service plans at STAR69 |